Glaski vs Bank of America NA et al – FOR PUBLICATION

Glaski vs Bank of America NA et al – FOR PUBLICATION

Edstrom_MortgageSecuritization_POSTER_17_x_22_v4_1By Daniel Edstrom
DTC Systems, Inc.

On August 8, 2013 the Fifth Appellate District in the Court of Appeal of the State of California ordered the Thomas A. Glaski vs Bank of America, NA et al decision published, stating:



As the nonpublished opinion filed on July 31, 2013, in the above entitled matter hereby meets the standards for publication specified in the California Rules of Court, rule 8.1105(c), it is ordered that the opinion be certified for publication in the Official Reports.

Based on the importance of this case, the text of the July 31, 2013 ruling is listed verbatim:



THOMAS A. GLASKI,Plaintiff and Appellant,v.


Defendants and Respondents.


(Super. Ct. No. 09CECG03601)



APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of Fresno County.  Alan M. Simpson, Judge.

Law Offices of Richard L. Antognini and Richard L. Antognini; Law Offices of Catarina M. Benitez and Catarina M. Benitez, for Plaintiff and Appellant.

AlvaradoSmith, Theodore E. Bacon, and Mikel A. Glavinovich, for Defendants and Respondents.



            Before Washington Mutual Bank, FA (WaMu) was seized by federal banking regulators in 2008, it made many residential real estate loans and used those loans as collateral for mortgage-backed securities.[1]  Many of the loans went into default, which led to nonjudicial foreclosure proceedings.  Some of the foreclosures generated lawsuits, which raised a wide variety of claims.  The allegations that the instant case shares with some of the other lawsuits are that (1) documents related to the foreclosure contained forged signatures of Deborah Brignac and (2) the foreclosing entity was not the true owner of the loan because its chain of ownership had been broken by a defective transfer of the loan to the securitized trust established for the mortgage-backed securities.  Here, the specific defect alleged is that the attempted transfers were made after the closing date of the securitized trust holding the pooled mortgages and therefore the transfers were ineffective.

In this appeal, the borrower contends the trial court erred by sustaining defendants’ demurrer as to all of his causes of action attacking the nonjudicial foreclosure.  We conclude that, although the borrower’s allegations are somewhat confusing and may contain contradictions, he nonetheless has stated a wrongful foreclosure claim under the lenient standards applied to demurrers.  We conclude that a borrower may challenge the securitized trust’s chain of ownership by alleging the attempts to transfer the deed of trust to the securitized trust (which was formed under New York law) occurred after the trust’s closing date.  Transfers that violate the terms of the trust instrument are void under New York trust law, and borrowers have standing to challenge void assignments of their loans even though they are not a party to, or a third party beneficiary of, the assignment agreement.

We therefore reverse the judgment of dismissal and remand for further proceedings.

Continue reading “Glaski vs Bank of America NA et al – FOR PUBLICATION”

Glaski Decision in California Appellate Court Turns the Corner on “Getting It”

Neil_GarfieldGlaski Decision in California Appellate Court Turns the Corner on “Getting It”

By Daniel Edstrom
DTC Systems, Inc.

The following article was posted by Neil F. Garfield of and comes from the following URL:

On the other hand we should not assume that they have arrived nor that this decision will have pervasive effects throughout California or elsewhere in the United States or other countries.

J.P. Morgan did suffer a crushing defeat in this decision. And the borrower definitely receive the benefits of a judicial decision that will allow the borrower to sue for wrongful foreclosure including equitable and legal relief which in plain language means reversing the foreclosure and getting damages. Probably one of the most damaging conclusions by the appellate court is that an examination of whether the loan ever made it into the asset pool is proper in determining the proper party to initiate a foreclosure or to offer a credit bid at a foreclosure auction.  The court said that alleged transfers into the trust after the cutoff date are void under New York State law which is the law that governs the common-law trusts created by the banks as part of the fraudulent securitization scheme.

Continue reading “Glaski Decision in California Appellate Court Turns the Corner on “Getting It””

Perils of Pooling: OneWest

Neil_GarfieldPerils of Pooling: OneWest

By Daniel Edstrom
DTC Systems, Inc.

The following article was posted by Neil F. Garfield of and comes from the following URL:

Apparently my article yesterday hit a nerve. NO I wasn’t saying that the only problems were with BofA and Chase. OneWest is another example. Keep in mind that the sole source of information to regulators and the courts are the ONLY people who understand mergers and acquisitions. So it is a little like one of those TV shows where the only way they can get an arrest and conviction is for the perpetrator or suspect to confess. In this case, they “confess” all kinds of things to gain credibility and then lead the agencies and judicial system down a rabbit hole which is now a well trodden path. So many people have gone down that hole that most people that is the way to get to the truth. It isn’t. It is part of a carefully constructed series of complex conflicting lies designed carefully by some very smart lawyers who understand not just the law but the way the law works. The latter is how they are getting away with it.

Continue reading “Perils of Pooling: OneWest”

Perils of Pooling

Neil_GarfieldPerils of Pooling

By Daniel Edstrom
DTC Systems, Inc.

The following article was posted by Neil F. Garfield of and comes from the following URL:

Perils of Pooling

Posted on July 30, 2013 by Neil Garfield

We hold these truths to be self evident: that Chase never acquired any loans from Washington Mutual and that Bank of America never acquired any loans from Countrywide.  A review of the merger documents approved by the FDIC reveals that neither Chase nor Bank of America wanted to assume any liabilities in connection with the lending operations of Washington Mutual or Countrywide, respectively. The loans were expressly left out of the agreement which is available for everyone to see on the FDIC website in the reading room.

Continue reading “Perils of Pooling”

SEC Corroborates Livinglies Position on Third Party Payment While Texas BKR Judge Disallows Assignments After Cut-Off Date

SEC Corroborates Livinglies Position on Third Party Payment While Texas BKR Judge Disallows Assignments After Cut-Off Date

By Neil Garfield
Garfield Gwaltney Kelley and White | LivingLies

Maybe this should have been divided into three articles:

  1. Saldivar: Texas BKR Judge finds Assignment Void not voidable. It never happened.
  2. Erobobo: NY Judge rules ownership of note is burden of the banks. Not standing but rather capacity to sue without injury.
  3. SEC Orders Credit Suisse to disgorge illegal profits back to investors. Principal balances of borrowers may be reduced. Defaults might not exist because notices contain demands that include money held by banks that should have been paid to investors.

But these decisions are so interrelated and their effect so far-reaching that it seems to me that if you read only one of them you might head off in the wrong direction. Pay careful attention to the Court’s admonition in Erobobo that these defenses can be waived unless timely raised. Use the logic of these decisions and you will find more and more judges listening with increasing care. The turning point is arriving and foreclosures — past, present and future — might finally get the review and remedies that are required in a nation of laws.

Continue reading “SEC Corroborates Livinglies Position on Third Party Payment While Texas BKR Judge Disallows Assignments After Cut-Off Date”

Full Day CLE Workshop Seminar: New Tools & Strategies for Distressed Homeowners

Full Day CLE Workshop Seminar: New Tools & Strategies for Distressed Homeowners

By Daniel Edstrom
DTC Systems, Inc.

8/25/2012 – Emeryville, CA – Full Day CLE Workshop Seminar: New Tools & Strategies for Distressed Homeowners

August 25th, 2012 – in San Francisco, California

Register here:

Venue is the Hyatt House in Emeryville, CA

This workshop has been approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) by the State Bar of California. Total credit hours approved are 6.75 hours.

SECURE DOCUMENT RESEARCH<br>Auburn, CA 95603; ph: 530.888.9600

DTC Systems, Inc.

Presented by:
Secure Document Research and DTC Systems, Inc.

in Association with the Garfield Continuum and Neil F. Garfield, Esq.

Standard enrollment fee is $497.00.

Visit us at

If you have any problems paying for this event, you can also pay by sending PayPal payments directly to

Problems Registering? Call 530.888.9600

Presented by:
Secure Document Research and DTC Systems, Inc. in Association with the Garfield Continuum and Neil F. Garfield, Esq.

Workshop Information
This is a comprehensive 1-day workshop CLE seminar for lawyers and paralegals: Deny and Discover: New Tools & Strategies for Distressed Homeowners

This workshop has been approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) by the State Bar of California. Total credit hours approved are 6.75 hours.


1. James Macklin

Owner of Secure Document Research providing Securitization Research and Analysis. While working briefly within the securities industry, Mr Macklin has been focused on the study of economics and macro-economics for over fifteen years, gathering professional insight into Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, Financial Accounting Standards, business ethics, securitization and the effects of “Control Fraud” (William Black, Professor; U.M.K.C.,) on market analysis. Mr. Macklin is now committed to the education, en mass, of the legal industry as a tool for the protection of rights of the under-sophisticated investing and borrowing public at large. James Macklin has over 10,000 hours of research into Securitization, Title and Publicly Recorded Instruments.

2. Daniel Edstrom

President of DTC Systems, Inc, having been in Information Technology for the last 18 years as a Systems Architect and Software Architect.The transformation of complex business requirements to complex Wall Street Engineering was an easy one. Securitization Expert, Daniel Edstrom analyzes complex financial engineering securitization transactions as well as providing a failure analysis, with well over 10,000 hours of research into Securitization and Title. Besides working for his own company, Daniel is a Senior Securitization Analyst for the Garfield Firm (

3. Neil Garfield

Neil F. Garfield, M.B.A., J.D., 61, is the winner of dozens of academic awards, a popular speaker, and author of technical treatises on law and economics. He has come out of retirement with a bang and financial institutions should take note. He knows them from the inside-out, who the deciders are, and how they arrived at a catastrophic scheme to defraud people, agencies, institutions and governments all over the world. For more information on Neil Garfield visit his website at

4. Daniel Hanecak

Daniel Hanecak, B.A. J.D., will be speaking on motion practice and recent court experience. Mr. Hanecak is licensed in California and specializes in complex real property litigation. Mr. Hanecak is currently representing homeowners against banks and mortgage servicers for fraud and wrongful foreclosure.

*Both James Macklin and Daniel Edstrom are not attorneys.

THIS WORKSHOP AND/OR ANY MATERIALS DISTRIBUTED AT THE WORKSHOP IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR LEGAL ADVICE FROM LOCAL COUNSEL LICENSED TO PRACTICE IN THE COUNTY AND STATE WHERE THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED. The information presented is for general information for you to understand the current context of foreclosures and to enable you to ask relevant questions of an attorney of your choosing. Any opinions presented here, along with facts, cases, examples or arguments, may not apply to your case. You should consult with local licensed counsel before employing them.


Venue is the Hyatt House in Emeryville, CA

Pre-Registration is required and can be done on this website or over the phone at 530.888.9600, with payment by PayPal to Tickets will be emailed after payment is completed.

$497.00 for the one day workshop.

This workshop has been approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) by the State Bar of California. Total credit hours approved are 6.75 hours.

Workshop Agenda

8:30–9:15 Introduction: James Macklin / Daniel Edstrom

9:15–10:00 The Securitization Process and Chain of Title: James Macklin

10:00–10:15 Morning Break

10:15–11:00 Prospectus, Pooling/Servicing and Trust Agreements: James Macklin

11:00–11:45 Discovery / Procedure: Neil F. Garfield, J.D., M.B.A.

11:45 to 1:00 Lunch

1:00–1:45 Proprietary Currency, Appraisals and Ratings: Neil F. Garfield, J.D., M.B.A.

1:45–2:30 Law and Motion Practice / Recent Courtroom Experience: Daniel Hanecak, Esq.

2:30–2:45 Afternoon Break

2:45–3:30 Credit Enhancements in Action: Daniel Edstrom

3:30–4:15 Panel Q&A

** Schedule subject to change without notice **

The OCC Misses the Point on Toxic Waste

The OCC Misses the Point on Toxic Waste

By Daniel Edstrom
DTC Systems, Inc.

We all see what we want to see.  But when others control the conversation, it is easy to miss the point.  As a regulator the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency should be taking the lead and controlling the conversation, but in reality, they have been bridled and are being led around by the nose.  Conspiciously absent are numerous issues they as a regulator have the responsibility of dealing with.  This article is timely in response to an article by Neil F. Garfield (, which is a response to Yves Smith of Naked Capitalism article (, which is a response to a Reuters article (  But I found none of these articles until I was finished writing this post.  Take the following random and critical issues:

  • Are the loans in the pool?  Were the loans ever in the pool?  Does the pool exist?  Did the pool perfect interest in any of the loans?  This issue is very political and the OCC in our opinion will never address this issue or look into this.
  • What loans are in default?  Can a loan be in default?  What comes first, the default or the loss?
  • Are there any compliance issues?

Continue reading “The OCC Misses the Point on Toxic Waste”



April 30 to May 1, 2011 – in Phoenix, Arizona

Venue is to be determined



This is a two-day seminar on litigation and negotiation of residential loans that are claimed to be securitized.  Early registration is advised. Continue reading “LAWYERS CLE WORKSHOP ON FORECLOSURE DEFENSE AND OFFENSE”



By Anita Carr

Anita Carr is used to discovering fraudulent activities, even when she is not employed.  In 2001 she discovered accounting irregularities at a Fortune 500 where she was a Director in Information Technology.  This led to investor lawsuits against that company for accounting fraud and insider trading.  At a prior employer she contacted the FBI and worked with them to ensure they investigated Medicare Fraud.  The CFO of that company went to prison.

Now, in fighting to determine title on her home, she has discovered something even more slimy and with much broader implications.  In an attempt to validate a ‘squiggle’ type mark on a recorded document with the Alameda County Recorder’s office, Ms. Carr felt it imperative that she obtain a copy of the page from the notarial journal from the California notary who performed the notarization of the ‘Corporation Deed of Assignment’ related to her property.

Ms. Carr, under California laws, is entitled to purchase a copy of the page in the notarial journal related to her property and so she wrote to the Orange County Recorder’s office and sent a check to cover the copy fees.  Orange County is where the notary was registered.  Within weeks she received a certified letter back from the Orange County recorder stating that they should have the notarial journal, but they did not have it.  See, once a notary is no longer a notary in California, it is the law that they must turn in their notarial journal to the county recorder.


World Savings Bank, A Living Legacy of the Subprime Crisis

World Savings Bank, A Living Legacy of the Subprime Crisis

By Daniel Edstrom
DTC Systems, Inc.

World Savings Bank loans were the worst of the worst loans that were packaged up and sold to homeowners from the 1990’s until 2008.  These loans consisted of pick a pay loans with negative amortization.  Typical predatory negative amortization loans allow for the original loan balance to increase to 110% maximum.  Meaning if the loan was originally issued at $100,000.00, the loan balance can keep going negative until it reaches $110,000.00.   World Savings Bank decided that this wasn’t enough and allowed their negative amortization loans to reach 125% of the original principal balance.  This is the gift that keeps on giving.  As home values have been decimated by the meltdown and continue to drop, properties with World Savings Bank loans have principal balances that keep going up and up and up.  No underwriting was given on these loans, the value of the properties and the promise and belief they would ever rise was the only consideration given to support the loan.  The other consideration used in “lending” the money had nothing to do with the homeowners.  World Savings Bank wanted to entice investors into parting with their money.  Lots of money.  In fact BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars.  It turns out that World Savings Bank had NO STAKE in the transaction, they were only the middleman.  One big fat rich middleman.  This was at the expense of both borrowers and investors who purchased certificates from the many REMICs setup by World Savings Bank.  What REMICs?  What securitizations?  Didn’t Wells Fargo tell you that these loans were securitized?   Why does the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (the OCC) allow Wells Fargo Bank to foreclose in their own name on the tens of thousands of World Savings Bank foreclosures?  The OCC knows much more than the American people what World Savings Bank, Wachovia and Wells Fargo Bank are doing to the American homeowners.  Namely that Wells Fargo Bank is walking into court claiming to be the real party in interest, claiming that they own these loans and that they were never securitized.   Of course this is nothing new for Wells Fargo Bank or Wachovia.  Just look at the auto loans securitized by Wachovia Dealer Services.  Wachovia Dealer Services did not loan the money as these were table funded automobile loans.  The money used to fund the automobile loans came from various trusts that pooled the loans and sold them to investors.  The trusts and/or the investors allegedly own the loans and not Wachovia Dealer Services or Wells Fargo Bank.  But you would never know this by going to just about any state court in this country and looking at who the plaintiff is thats filing a judicial lawsuit on these automobile loans: Wachovia Dealer Services.  Reading the Prospectus for these deals is a real eye opener:  Title will remain in the name of Wachovia Dealer Services and even though the loans are sold, the abstract of title given to the DMV will not be updated to reflect the correct ownership.  They go on to admit that title has not been perfected and that the certificateholders are at risk.  It even goes on to say that the loan contracts will not be updated to reflect that ownership has changed (endorsement under state UCC laws).  So you have no endorsement and no transfer (no perfection).  The beneficial and equitable rights have been sold.  The above all describes predatory banking, lending and servicing at its worst.

Continue reading “World Savings Bank, A Living Legacy of the Subprime Crisis”