Glaski Decision in California Appellate Court Turns the Corner on “Getting It”

Neil_GarfieldGlaski Decision in California Appellate Court Turns the Corner on “Getting It”

By Daniel Edstrom
DTC Systems, Inc.

The following article was posted by Neil F. Garfield of and comes from the following URL:

On the other hand we should not assume that they have arrived nor that this decision will have pervasive effects throughout California or elsewhere in the United States or other countries.

J.P. Morgan did suffer a crushing defeat in this decision. And the borrower definitely receive the benefits of a judicial decision that will allow the borrower to sue for wrongful foreclosure including equitable and legal relief which in plain language means reversing the foreclosure and getting damages. Probably one of the most damaging conclusions by the appellate court is that an examination of whether the loan ever made it into the asset pool is proper in determining the proper party to initiate a foreclosure or to offer a credit bid at a foreclosure auction.  The court said that alleged transfers into the trust after the cutoff date are void under New York State law which is the law that governs the common-law trusts created by the banks as part of the fraudulent securitization scheme.

Continue reading “Glaski Decision in California Appellate Court Turns the Corner on “Getting It””

Occupy Leader Bratton Held on $250,000 Bail

Neil_GarfieldOccupy Leader Bratton Held on $250,000 Bail

By Neil F. Garfield

Occupy Leader Bratton Held on $250,000 Bail

Posted on June 23, 2013 by Neil Garfield

In my judgment, based upon the scant facts and documents supplied to me this far, there is no doubt that Bratton DID own the property and probably still does if the law is applied properly.

I know of cases where probable cause was found for Murder and the bail was set less than that. The calls and emails keep coming in and I can’t say that I have a total picture of what was really going on here. But, based upon what I have the current story is this:

Bratton is one of the leaders in the Occupy movement. It may be true that the Occupy movement has been put on a watch list or even the terrorist list which might account for the high bail. I have not been able to confirm that. But it seems that some inference of that sort was used in getting bail set at a quarter of a million dollars. If so, the government is confusing (intentionally or otherwise) the Occupy movement which is a political movement within the system allowed and encouraged by the U.S. Government — with the sovereign citizen movement for which I have taken a lot of heat.

Continue reading “Occupy Leader Bratton Held on $250,000 Bail”

11/3/2012 – Honolulu, Hawaii – 3 Hour Workshop: New Tools & Strategies for Distressed Homeowners and Multiple Property Owners

11/3/2012 – Honolulu, Hawaii – 3 Hour Workshop: New Tools & Strategies for Distressed Homeowners and Multiple Property Owners

November 3rd, 2012 – in Honolulu, Hawaii

Law Enforcement Officials no charge (seats limited so call to reserve seating today)

Venue is tentatively the Moiliili Community Center in Honolulu, HI 2535 South King Street, Honolulu, HI 96826

Auburn, CA 95603; ph: 530.888.9600

DTC Systems, Inc.

Presented by:
Secure Document Research and DTC Systems, Inc.

in Association with the Garfield Continuum and Neil F. Garfield, Esq.

Register here:

If you have any problems registering for this event, you can also register by sending PayPal payments directly to

Problems Registering? Call 530.888.9600

Presented by:
Secure Document Research and DTC Systems, Inc. in Association with the Garfield Continuum and Neil F. Garfield, Esq.

Workshop Information
This is a 3 hour workshop for lawyers, paralegals, homeowners and multiple property owners: Deny and Discover: New Tools & Strategies for Distressed Homeowners


1. Daniel Edstrom

President of DTC Systems, Inc, having been in Information Technology for the last 18 years as a Systems Architect and Software Architect.The transformation of complex business requirements to complex Wall Street Engineering was an easy one. Securitization Expert, Daniel Edstrom analyzes complex financial engineering securitization transactions as well as providing a failure analysis, with well over 10,000 hours of research into Securitization and Title. Besides working for his own company, Daniel is a Senior Securitization Analyst for Neil Garfield (

*Daniel Edstrom is not an attorney.

THIS WORKSHOP AND/OR ANY MATERIALS DISTRIBUTED AT THE WORKSHOP IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR LEGAL ADVICE FROM LOCAL COUNSEL LICENSED TO PRACTICE IN THE COUNTY AND STATE WHERE THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED. The information presented is for general information for you to understand the current context of foreclosures and to enable you to ask relevant questions of an attorney of your choosing. Any opinions presented here, along with facts, cases, examples or arguments, may not apply to your case. You should consult with local licensed counsel before employing them.


Venue is tentatively the Moiliili Community Center in Honolulu, HI

Pre-Registration is required and can be done on this website or over the phone at 530.888.9600, with payment by PayPal to Tickets will be emailed after payment is completed.

Register here:

Workshop Agenda

9:00-9:15 Introduction

9:15–10:00 Consummation and Closing Failure Analysis

10:00–10:15 Break

10:15–11:00 Logical Fallacies and the Purpose of the Recording Statute

11:00-11:15 Break

11:15–12:00 Understanding Deny & Discover in Bankruptcy

** Schedule subject to change without notice **

BB&T Fraudulently Declares Default – Florida Court Orders FDIC Payments From Loss-Share Agreements to be Credited to Borrowers Loan

BB&T Fraudulently Declares Default – Florida Court Orders FDIC Payments From Loss-Share Agreements to be Credited to Borrowers Loan

By Daniel Edstrom
DTC Systems, Inc.

Thanks to Neil F. Garfield and the LivingLies Blog for this ruling.   The following are excerpts from Judge Levens orders.

Findings of Fact

This case involves a $5,182,128.00 commercial loan made by Colonial Bank to Kraz for the purpose of building and developing a mini-storage and flex space warehouse in Hillsborough County, Florida. Kearney and Harris signed limited personal guaranties of payment and performance and injected in excess of 2 million dollars of cash/equity into the venture. This subject loan was one of several loans made by Colonial Bank to Kearney and Harris and related entities with multiple other guarantors, but the subject loan was not tied to or related to any other such loans.

The terms of the subject loan provided for payment of interest only for the first twentyfour (24) months. Plaintiff was required to provide written notice of the change from interest-only payments to principal-and-interest payment, but, for whatever reason, Plaintiff never provided such notice. Colonial, due to its own internal financial distress, and while Defendants were current on all payments, began improperly demanding that Defendants make curtailment payments on the loan. Colonial improperly based such curtailment demands on the status of other, unrelated loans (which happened to have a variety of principals, obligators, guarantors, etc.).

Colonial was shut down by the Alabama State Banking Department and the FDIC was appointed its Receiver. The FDIC then assigned and sold the assets of Colonial to Plaintiff through a Purchase and Assumption Agreement (“PSA”), which makes Plaintiff the lawful owner and holder of the subject loan documents.

The evidence adduced at trial and considered by the court demonstrated that Plaintiff breached it duties of good faith and fair dealing in its contractual relationship with Defendants. The evidence also demonstrated that Plaintiff was motivated to behave in such as manner as a direct result of the PSA; that is, Plaintiff stood to profit by declaring a fraudulent default under the subject loan, collecting from the FDIC under the PSA for such default, and then enforcing the subject loan against Defendants, and retaining the property until such time as a real estate turnaround occurred in hopes to dispose of the property at the peak of the market. In fact, Mr. Bruni testified that Plaintiff may have already applied to the FDIC for a loss share payment on this loan. And Defendants’ expert, Jim Howard, explained that it was possible Plaintiff could have already applied for and received a payment from the FDIC on this loan, perhaps in an amount as high as $1,800,000.00. Notably, Plaintiff nowhere credited such potential payment from the FDIC against the amounts sought in the instant litigation; thereby giving the impression that Plaintiff might be “double dipping”, and possibly “triple dipping” if market conditions favorably change and the property likewise increases in value. Continue reading “BB&T Fraudulently Declares Default – Florida Court Orders FDIC Payments From Loss-Share Agreements to be Credited to Borrowers Loan”

Lawyers Take Note: Wells Fargo Slammed with $3.1 Million Punitive Damages on One Wrongful Foreclosure

Lawyers Take Note: Wells Fargo Slammed with $3.1 Million Punitive Damages on One Wrongful Foreclosure

By Daniel Edstrom
DTC Systems, Inc.

Posted by Neil F. Garfield on (

Editor’s Comment:

The most perplexing part of this mortgage mess has been the unwillingness of the legal community to take on the Banks. Besides the intimidation factor the primary source of resistance has been the lack of confidence that any money could be made, ESPECIALLY on contingency. If you were the lawyer in the case reported below, you would be getting a check for fees alone of over $1.2 million on a single case. And as this article and hundreds of others have reported, based upon objective surveys, most of the 5 million homes lost since 2007 were wrongful foreclosures.

So the inventory for lawyers is 5 million homes plus the next 5 million everyone is expecting. Let’s due some simple arithmetic: if 4 million homes were wrongfully foreclosed and the punitive damages were $1 million per house the total take would be $4 Billion with contingency fees at $1.6 Billion. If each house carried $200,000 in compensatory damages, then the total would be increased by $800 Million with Lawyers taking home $320 Million. These figures exceed personal injury and malpractice awards. Why is the legal profession ignoring this opportunity to do something right and make a fortune at the same time?

Right now I’m a little under the weather (open heart surgery) but that hasn’t stopped my associates from rolling out a plan for a national anti-foreclosure firm. I’m only doing this because nobody else will. If you have had a home wrongfully foreclosed or suspect that your current foreclosure is wrongful, write to (remember the “F”) and ask for help. Lawyers and victims of wrongful foreclosures should be able to pool their resources to attack the massive foreclosure attack with a massive anti-foreclosure attack.

 DTC Systems readers can write to and ask for help.  We will see that your request is sent to the lawyers working on this new program.

Here is the Conclusion from the Order (download below):

Wells Fargo’s actions were not only highly reprehensible, but its subsequent reaction on their exposure has been less than satisfactory. There is a strong societal interest in preventing such future conduct through a punitive award. The total monetary judgment to date is $24,441.65, plus legal interest,$166,873.00 in legal fees and $3,951.96 in costs. Other fees and costs incurred by Jones through the first remand were also incurred and are not included in the foregoing amounts. Because the Court cannot reveal the sealed amount stipulated to by the parties when they settled Jones’ Application for Award of Fees and Costs Related to Remand (“Application”),70 the Court will use Jones’ Application itself as evidence of fees and costs actually incurred up to the date of the Application. The Application and supporting documentation establish that an additional $118,251.93 in attorneys’ fees and $3,596.95 in costs was also incurred by Jones.71 The amounts previously awarded plus the additional amounts incurred establish that the cost to litigate the compensatory portion of this award was $292,673.84. After considering the compensatory damages of $24,441.65 awarded in this case, along with the litigation costs of $292,673.84; awards against Wells Fargo in other cases for the same behavior which did not deter its conduct; and the previous judgments in this case none of which deterred its actions; the Court finds that a punitive damage award of $3,171,154.00 is warranted to deter Wells Fargo from similar conduct in the future. This Court hopes that the relief granted will finally motivate Wells Fargo to rectify its practices and comply with the terms of court orders, plans and the automatic stay.

Download the bankruptcy ruling here:


You Know You Are Going To Lose When …

You Know You Are Going To Lose When …

By Daniel Edstrom
DTC Systems, Inc.

Posted by Neil F. Garfield on on 3/31/2012 (  Study this until you have it committed items 1 through 10 to memory.

Taking a line from Jeff Foxworthy, I have compiled the following guidelines of how to know when you are going to lose against the thieving bank seeking to steal your property. You might call it, “You know your screwed when…”

Note: The premise of this article is taken from various points made on this blog and others. The main point is that the obligation to repay the loan arose when the money transaction took place. When money exchanged hands it is presumed that the expectation was that it would be repaid. So the only defenses that exist and the only two defenses that will get the judge’s attention are PAYMENT and WAIVER. Failing to address these issues head on right at the beginning of the first pleading and the first hearing, will most likely lead to failure in the case. Read the appellate decisions that are in favor of the banks and servicers; they all start with a recitation of “facts” that are not true but which nonetheless are taken as true because the borrower failed to put them in issue as contested facts.

Start with the origination documents. If you don’t know whether they have merely reproduced the note and mortgage, then deny it and make them prove it. They could be fabricated from whole cloth. Continue reading “You Know You Are Going To Lose When …”



By Neil F. Garfield

EDITOR’S ANALYSIS: For those who have followed this Blog for any length of time, this news will come as no surprise. Ultimately, the proof and the relief sought by homeowners will come from investors who demand answers to what happened to their money when they purchased mortgage backed securities and pooled their money to fund mortgages.

The result is a pincer action, to put it military terms, where the creditors and the debtors are making the same allegations against the intermediaries who stole from both sides, “borrowed” the loss to claim Federal bailout money, and left both sides holding the bag. Continue reading “INVESTORS COMING OUT OF THE SHADOWS: BANKS’ WORST NIGHTMARE”

Investors Admit Criminal Enterprise at David J. Stern Law Firm in Florida

Investors Admit Criminal Enterprise at David J. Stern Law Firm in Florida

By Daniel Edstrom
DTC Systems, Inc.

Note the following from Neil F. Garfield on LivingLies:

Posted on January 5, 2012 by Neil Garfield

EDITOR’S COMMENT: This is the start of what we have been waiting for. Investors who purchased David Stern’s operation — a foreclosure mill that had been bank-rolled literally by the Banks. They actually have the necessary files, documentation and proof needed because they now own the company and they realize they were induced to buy a “criminal enterprise.”

This is what I have been talking about. Investors of all shapes and sizes are starting to awaken to the fact that the entire foreclosure process has been permeated by false statements as to the amounts due, the identity of the creditor, and the documents that “perfected” the lien, transferred the loan and were the basis for foreclosure. None of the foreclosures are real. That is a grandiose statement, but it will prove to be true. Continue reading “Investors Admit Criminal Enterprise at David J. Stern Law Firm in Florida”

The OCC Misses the Point on Toxic Waste

The OCC Misses the Point on Toxic Waste

By Daniel Edstrom
DTC Systems, Inc.

We all see what we want to see.  But when others control the conversation, it is easy to miss the point.  As a regulator the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency should be taking the lead and controlling the conversation, but in reality, they have been bridled and are being led around by the nose.  Conspiciously absent are numerous issues they as a regulator have the responsibility of dealing with.  This article is timely in response to an article by Neil F. Garfield (, which is a response to Yves Smith of Naked Capitalism article (, which is a response to a Reuters article (  But I found none of these articles until I was finished writing this post.  Take the following random and critical issues:

  • Are the loans in the pool?  Were the loans ever in the pool?  Does the pool exist?  Did the pool perfect interest in any of the loans?  This issue is very political and the OCC in our opinion will never address this issue or look into this.
  • What loans are in default?  Can a loan be in default?  What comes first, the default or the loss?
  • Are there any compliance issues?

Continue reading “The OCC Misses the Point on Toxic Waste”

World Savings Bank: Wells Fargo Admits Loans Were Securitized

Wells FargoWorld Savings Bank: Wells Fargo Admits Loans Were Securitized
By Daniel Edstrom
DTC Systems, Inc.

In a huge disclosure, Wells Fargo Bank has admitted that World Savings loans were securitized.  This is a big move for homeowners strapped with Option ARM negative amortization loans.  In recent months we have seen numerous endorsements on World Savings promissory notes showing that the notes were in fact endorsed to The Bank of New York.  This is not an isolated incident as we now have 3 confirmed cases where World Savings notes were endorsed to The Bank of New York.  Foreclosure defense lawyers have been seeking to know what this information means for their clients.  These details are revealed in the LivingLies / Luminaq / AHC combo and in the DTC Systems Securitization Reverse Engineering and Failure Analysis for Lawyers (disclosure: DTC Systems provides their unique and premier Securitization Reverse Engineering and Failure Analysis and also provides services to Attorney Neil F. Garfield’s Securitization Report and Securitization Commentary, which is included in the LivingLies Combo).

Here is the original World Savings post: