How Do I Order Certified Copies of SEC Filings?

How Do I Order Certified Copies of SEC Filings?

By Daniel Edstrom
DTC Systems, Inc.

Send an email to [email protected]
Ask them for ALL filings related to the trust and then give them the exact name of the trust (this can be a challange).  If you can, give them information about one of the filings from this trust (accession number and/or SEC file number).  There are usually not that many files associated with a specific securitized trust.  I received approx. 2,000 pages.  It cost me $26.00 for photocopy fees.
Also you can only request one entity per email.  So if you want copies of information for this trust from the depositor (for instance my static loan level file was in an 8-k from the depositor), you will need to request them separately from the trust entity request.  In this case reference the specific documents you need by date, accession number and SEC filing number (because the depositor usually has a very large number of filings which are probably unrelated to your specific trust).

Tell them you are ready willing and able to pay the fees necessary.  Give them your name and address.  You might want to give them your phone number, but if they have questions they will probably just email you.  I asked them for two copies of everything but they said I will only get one copy.

Author: dmedstrom

Reverse Engineering and Failure Analysis - Reverse Engineering Wall Street

One thought on “How Do I Order Certified Copies of SEC Filings?”

  1. I want to know how to obtain certified copies of corporate SEC filings from 2000 through 2005 of the corporation Globus International Resources Corp. and the decertification of said corporation. Please advise. My phone # is (718) 421-3815

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