Wells Fargo Investors Sue Wells Fargo Executives and Directors

Wells Fargo Investors Sue Wells Fargo Executives and Directors

By Daniel Edstrom
DTC Systems, Inc.

Thanks to Oktay for this complaint. 


This action arises out of individual defendants’ (as defined herein) illicit business practices and improper statements in connection with its mass processing of loan ownership and servicing documents in furtherance of its efforts to foreclose on lendees whose mortgage loans had entered delinquency.  In particular, the Individual Defendants are responsible for the Company employing illegal practices, including fabricating, improperly altering, or attesting to false information in documents filed with courts to facilitate the foreclosure of homeowners.  For example, Wells Fargo servicing agents falsely maintained in court-filed affidavits and attached loan documentation that the Company was the legal owner of the loan on which they sought to foreclose without reading the affidavit or examining the information contained in the loan documentation.  These improper practices called “robo-signing,” lead to filing and false sworn documents to the court and the wrongful foreclosure of homes for which the Company did not have legal ownership rights. Continue reading “Wells Fargo Investors Sue Wells Fargo Executives and Directors”

Title Crisis – Part II – The Documents used to Foreclose are Fraudulent

Title Crisis – Part II – The Documents used to Foreclose are Fraudulent

By Daniel Edstrom
DTC Systems, Inc.

The following was just posted on Neil Garfield’s blog, livinglies.wordpress.com.  It is reposted here with the following comments.  These are fabricated documents placed into the title record at the county recorders.  In non-judicial states these documents do not need to be recorded to foreclose as those foreclosing can instead file a judicial foreclosure and prove their claim.  Because they have no claim and cannot prove it, they knowingly, willingly and without any regard for the consequences, choose to corrupt the land title records instead.  To read about this choice, read the Hooker vs. BofA ruling from a Federal District Court judge out of Oregon: Hooker-v-BofA_and_MERS – Congratulations to Oregon Attorney James Stout for his work on this case.

From Neil Garfield and Lynn Szymoniak (see Lynn Szymoniak in action on 60 Minutes here: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504803_162-20049744-10391709.html)

EDITOR’S NOTE (Neil Garfield): We know the foreclosures were gross misrepresentations of fact to the Courts, to the Borrowers and to the Investors. This article shows the crossover between the MegaBanks — sharing and diluting the responsibility for these fabrications as they went along. If you are talking about one big bank you are talking about all the megabanks. Continue reading “Title Crisis – Part II – The Documents used to Foreclose are Fraudulent”